Our Ministry Areas


At Good Shepherd we embrace growing together in Christ’s love. It’s why we encourage God’s people to look for opportunities to fellowship together, to eat together, to pray together, to play together, and to spend time in God’s Word together.

  • FamFEST
  • Men’s Fellowship
  • Women’s Fellowship
  • Playgroup
  • Craft Group​


Bible Studies
Bible Study groups are organised in the congregation from time to time, and they meet in private homes or at the church. Small groups meet over a cuppa to read and discuss God's word under the guidance of the pastor or lay leader. If you are interested in being part of a group joining one, please contact the Church Office (07 5455 8645).

Grow Groups
Grow Group are our small group ministry. Life is not meant to be lived alone. In fact, God hates loneliness. You were created to experience life with other people, and that’s why at Good Shepherd we encourage you to get into a small group. Groups come in all shapes and sizes — married couples, singles, men, women, kids, no kids, workplace, under 20, over 40 — the list goes on. No matter where you are in life, there’s a group for you. At Good Shepherd we encourage everyone to be part of a Grow Group. Grow Groups help each other to fulfil our God given purposes of: Be Loved, Belong, Become, Be Blessed. Join a Grow Group today.

Pastor's Classes
Each year our pastor conducts a course which explains the Christian faith and the Lutheran understanding in particular. The aims are to give a global perspective on the Bible, faith and God, answer some of the big questions people have, and maybe make some new friendships over coffee. For further information contact the Church Office (07 5455 8645).

Faith Mile Stones
Several times a year our men meet for a special fellowship. This is generally over a BBQ meal with gourmet foods supplied. A guest speaker presenting an interesting and challenging topic is often part of this gathering. Our members are encouraged to invite their friends and associates to join us in our informal gatherings, to add to the dynamics of meeting other menfolk who are not associated with our congregation. Each Men’s Night is advertised in the Sunday Bulletin. For further information on men's activities please contact Graeme Handreck (5471 0475).

Youth Ministry

Please download our Youth Ministry Program for 2020. This includes the dates and programs for BibleSong and H2H. If you are interested in joining us, please download the Registration form the desired program, as well as the required Medical & Personal Information form. ​Please fill these out and return to the Good Shepherd Office.

Mainly Music - Tuesdays 8:45-10:30am (weekly during term)
Music Ministry for Preschoolers (0-5 yrs)
Mainly music sessions are full of songs and rhymes, actions, and movement, designed to engage you and your child. Not only will your little ones be delighted by the one-to-one attention you give, but you’ll love the way they respond and develop. The structured 30-minute music session will be followed by 30-60 minutes of eat/play/chat. Snacks and refreshments will be served (BYO), followed by a time of unstructured play. At the same time, you’ll be able to connect with others. For more information contact Anne (0419 2020 74)

Head to the Heart - 6:30-8:30pm Friday’s (Fortnightly)
Junior Youth Ministry for Years 6-8
Head to the Heart (H2H) is a relational, small group ministry system that celebrates the faith with art, music, skits, gameshows and caring relationships.

4U - 6:30-8:30pm Fridays (Fortnightly)
Senior Youth Ministry for Years 9-12
4U seeks to help teenagers grow a balanced life that is centred in Jesus Christ. We take our time discussing hot topics of the day in a safe, caring, biblically-centred environment.


Pastoral Care
At Good Shepherd, we offer pastoral care - prayer, counsel, support, encouragement and/or referral to other resources - from a biblical perspective to those who are in crisis, facing unresolved issues and life challenges. Quality confidential Christian pastoral care is readily accessible. Please contact Pr Mark at the Church Office: 5449 8856 to make an appointment. In addition, if you require a visit from the Pastor while in hospital or at home, or wish to have your name in the prayer list, please advise Pastor personally.

Ministry and Care Team
The congregation has a quite active Ministry & Care Team. This group plans and co-ordinates fellowship meals, special celebrations like birthdays and wedding anniversaries and any other social functions for members of the congregation. They also organise meals and transport for people in need. They pass on requests to the prayer chain and help minister to shut-ins and those in need. They also instigate regular monthly congregational barbecues. For further information and requests please contact Val Handreck (5471 0475).

Volunteer Service
The congregation is dependent on the volunteer services of its members for a large number of tasks. These include ushering, church preparation, altar flowers and provision of morning teas. Those interested in exercising leadership or ministry roles please contact Pastor Mark. For alterations to, or information about rosters please contact Church Office (07 5455 8645).